

DB2 Performance  and Fast Test Data Management Solutions

imageBCV4™ - Fast DB2 Cloning Tool - IMS Cloning too
Full Subsystem Cloning for DB2® , SAP® , and PeopleSoft® . Enjoy immediate access to copied or cloned subsystems, DB2 startup after 15 minutes. SAP, Peoplesoft, and DB2 clones (or homogeneous system copy) available within minutes! Vendor independent so it works with HDS® , IBM® , EMC® volumes. Increase data availability for cloned and test systems with BCV4. If you have application testing, QA, shadow/warehouse systems, or have z/OS® and DB2 version upgrade testing, you need BCV4.

Click here for IBM Global Solution Directory link: BCV4
imageBCV5™ - Fast Database, Tablespace Refresh and Clone, with BCV6 option for non-stop environments.  Inflight Masking / Anonymizing capability.
Fast refresh and/or cloning  of DB2 databases, tablespaces, or tables is what BCV5 does. Smart analysis and handling of structure, DDL, OBID, etc ease the copy/migrate task. Compared to slower DB2 utilities, BCV5 is the choice when speed and minimal disruption are of key importance. Save an average of 90 percent in CPU and wall clock time for your DB2 copy or migrate jobs. Further options for Data Anonymization / Data Masking / Data Subset are available.

imageXDM™ - Full Function Tool for Test Data Management
Improve application and data availability for your database applications. XDM (Cross Data Mover) adds to our BCVn line of products the ability to rapidly copy, move, refresh data within and between popular DBMS systems such as Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 IMS, VSAM, etc. Automation and an intuitive GUI delivers speed and ease of use for staff.

imageULT4DB2 Log Analysis, Audit Reporting, Data Propagation
A powerful log analysis tool that simplifies how you can view and extract changes to DB2 tables. ULT can propagate data, undo faulty changes made to  tables, as well as populate an auditing reports with a detailed list of previously made changes.  It is like three products in one.

imageBPA4DB2™ - a powerful Buffer Pool Analysis Tool with Proactive Alerting
This buffer pool analyzer and advisor generates proposals to improve the setup of the pools. BPA4DB2 consists of two parts, a host component which measures the I/O rates and a JAVA client which receives the compressed measurements from the host. Increased system performance and resource cost savings make this a must have tool in z/OS shops. DB2 version upgrade and sizing support too.

imageSQLQC™ - Analyze and Improve SQL Quality and Performance
SQL quality tool that is designed to detect the few statements within the thousands that create the performance problems. It reports on Top CPU Burners, Statements with highest elapsed time, top consuming users, Top I/O contention, Actual vs Optimizer, and much more. The tool digs deep and analyzes the root causes of the problems and it shows ways to resolve them.

CICS Applications Performance Solutions

imageICPU™- Inspect CPU for CICS©
The low overhead CICS Application Performance product to help programmers and performance analysts find programs and code causing spikes in CPU usage. ICPU is different than a CICS performance analyzer ; it can run on production systems to provide invaluable insight into the CPU usage for improving performance of applications programs. Supports CICS 4.1, 4.2, 5.1 thru 5.3. For additional info see Inspect CPU for CICS
To see a web video, click for Inspect CPU for CICS Performance!

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